The right audience at the right time, every time. It’s in our JCS Marketing DNA!
Efficient & Targeted
Fully Automated & Scalable
Trusted Database
What is Programmatic Advertising?
What is DNA™? Data Network Advertising™ (DNA) is our latest addition of digital advertising that delivers your digital ads to precisely targeted customers.
How is it different from other digital advertising? The digital ads are delivered to only precisely targeted customers based on their individual information, address and occupation. It is a sophisticated way to place advertising, using algorithmic software, called programmatic advertising.
How are precisely targeted customers selected? DNA utilizes our trusted database of nearly 32,900 verified contacts, including almond, walnut, pistachio, grape, and citrus growers, pest control advisors, certified crop advisors, hullers, processors, handlers, agronomists, applicators, ag retailers and other industry professionals.
• dimensions in pixels: 1920×1200 or 1920×1080 • audio bitrate: 160KB/sec or higher • video bitrate: 5.4MB/sec or higher • file format: MP4 • max. file size: 200MB • file length preferred: 15 sec as they’re non-skippable, ads that are longer can be skipped after 5 sec • ads can be 15sec, 30sec or 60sec – pls cut off at exact times to ensure they run properly
• audio bitrate: 320KB/sec or higher • ad length: 6sec, 10, 15, 30 or 60sec • file type: OGA, OGG, MP3, MP4, M4A or WAV • audio can be accompanied by still ads: 300×50, 300×250, 500×500, 640×640 or 1024×1024 in JPEG format • max. file size: 200MB, recommended 200KB
• file format JPEG, PNG or GIF • dimensions in pixels: 728×90, 320×50, 300×250, 300×50, 160×600
DNA™ Testimonial
Platinum DNA
50,000 Impressions
-30,000 digital banner ads
-10,000 digital radio ads
-10,000 digital TV ads
Bonus: 3,000 digital ads with a 6-month commitment
Investment Cost $5,000/month
Gold DNA
40,000 Impressions
-20,000 digital banner ads
-10,000 digital radio ads
-10,000 digital TV ads
Bonus: 3,000 digital ads with a 6-month commitment
Investment Cost $4,000/month
Silver DNA
30,000 Impressions
-10,000 digital banner ads
-10,000 digital radio ads
-10,000 digital TV ads
Bonus: 3,000 digital ads with a 6-month commitment
Investment Cost $3,000/month