Grape & Wine Magazine

The New Publication from a Trusted Ag Source

Grape & Wine Magazine is a new publication from JCS Marketing, Inc., a must-read publication for all things viticulture and winemaking.

This bi-monthly magazine is filled with industry-leading editorial that keep our readers up to date on the latest technology, pests, diseases and everything relevant to the table, wine and raisin grape industries.

FREE TO ADVERTISERS: PRINT ADVERTISING ANALYTICS Advertising Effectiveness and Readership Studies 

How effective is your advertising?
To help you learn the answer to this important question, Grape & Wine Magazine [June/July 2024] invests in adViewPRO studies from the Baxter Research Center.  Unlike other magazines, we don’t require a minimum number of insertions for our ad studies. Instead, every advertiser in the studied issues this year will receive that full report at no additional charge. 

Plus, our exclusive agreement with Baxter Research Center means that you can’t get this rich data from any competing magazine. Ask us for a sample report, and you’ll see what we mean. Advertising is expensive, and it can be difficult—or impossible—to know whether or not the money you’re spending is accomplishing your marketing mission. adViewPRO studies take the uncertainty out of your marketing investment by providing clear answers to critical questions.


Recurring Editorial Themes

-Wine Production
-Integrated Pest Management
-Wine Grapes
-Table Grapes
-Raisin Grapes
-Orchard/Vineyard Management
-Disease Management
-Soil Management

Please Note: All themes and editorial content are subject to change depending on news and market demands.

Grape Growers: 7,068
Wineries: 3,607
PCAs & Crop Consultants: 1,586
Industry Professionals: 1,076
Total Circulation: 10,581

* Ag Professionals may occupy more than one of the above categories and address may receive multiple copies

2025- 2026 | Grape & Wine Magazine Rates

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All advertisements due the 10th of the prior month
Please use link to upload your artwork:

2025- 2026 | Grape & Wine Magazine Web Rates

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Become the Monthly Sponsor of MyAgLife in Grape & Wine

  • • Featured as the weekly sponsor of MyAgLife in Grape & Wine
  • • 10-second audio ad before/after weekly MyAgLife in Grape & Wine segment
  • • Weekly email sent to Grape & Wine audience recognizing sponsor
  • • Exclusive monthly sponsorship opportunity
  • • Includes a 30-second ad, every weekday during contract

$3000 / Monthly Sponsorship